Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Little love means A LOT

When you are lonely, companionship means A LOT;
When you are sad, happiness means A LOT;
When you are happy, sharing means A LOT;
When you are down, cheer means A LOT;
When you are cold, a hug means A LOT.

People tend not to show that they care nor love for things. But in their hearts, sometimes they do. They just refuse to tell or show. May be they felt shy, may be egoistic in them make them hard to tell/show. Is really a sad thing if you didn’t tell when you have the chance to do so. When you feel that you want to do it, is always too late.

For me, calling and sms-ing person that I care and asking how they doing is necessary. Wishing them a good night and take care. Telling them how much I miss and love them. For some people, it might be calling me “a slut” as it sounds too direct. But for me, I just express my love to them as a little love does mean A LOT.

When someone is lonely, a call might cheer them up. Making their day cheerful as they might not speak to anybody for the whole day. Greeting a good night and kiss, making their night peace and happy. A simple call when they are down, listening to them, making their sadness reduce.

Never hesitate to do so... show your LOVE today....


Fable Frog said...

totally agree~ but most time will feel shy lei~

Alex said...

*hugs* :)

Cheryl said...

FF: Dear7... be brave! i sokong u!

Alex: thanks...but i prefer a physical one :P kakaka 3 8 je