Sunday, June 8, 2008

Sad days

Life would be happier if we can forget easily......

Been unhappy for few days and still having that bad feeling. When I'm alone even when I'm driving, my mind tend to think about the incident happened recently. While our king is celebrating his birthday, I'm in the “funeral”.

It can be said that is just like the Dr. already told me about the worst condition, I knew it and yet to final confirm the death. And the day came, finally. To be honest, I felt down n sad. My tears dropped thinking about it. Is not easy to take it though I've been in it for years. DEAR told me that is the visual act that shown to me. That's why I felt that.

I don't know how to respond. I just let them do it. Let them do whatever they want. The action did hurt me though I've no rights to argue. I just have to take it and live with it. My heart bleeds again. Though it will recover one day but the scar will just be there forever. I wish I could let go and forget but it will never as the wounds are too deep.

That's the cross I have to carry on my own and is heavy.

P/S: Double sad when I made my friend felt sad. I do deeply understand his feelings n been in his shoes. I'm so sorry, dear. Forgive me.


William said...

Time to nail the coffin shut.

Cheryl said...

hmm... my body is dead but the mind is still clear. I keep having the night mare again n again these days.