Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Choosing the PERFECT path

Life –paths for us to walk through and live on. There might be many turning along the way and no doubt all of us are taking different pathways in life. We are working hard to achieve our goals and dreams in life. We do always want to go after something that looks good, attractive and perfect. Everyone does. That’s the norm for everyone to hope for better lifestyle.

I received a call the other day and that makes me think lots. He told me that he realized that he is so not interested in the current job. He might want to think of other pathway if the employer does not confirm him then. I asked only one question: “You said this is the job that you want all these while, that can let you learn, practice your skills and let you grow. Why not anymore?” “Ermm… not really suitable after I’m in it.”

In life, we always go after something that we think that might suit us, which look attractive and good. We will fantasize it to make it an excuse for us to grab for that. We can even sacrifice some other important things in life in order to get the ONE that we think that might be the BEST for us. Just like we choosing other half or choosing a job, we look for the best without deeper analysis and understanding. When we’ve it/in it, everything started to change. Today we can love it, tomorrow we might hate it. We are being too naïve and childish. We do not realize that we are actually loosing something more important in life along the way when we blindly made a decision to get the PERFECT things that isn’t suitable at all.

Do not wait till you lose something then you start to regret. Appreciate and love what you have when you still have it. Or else…. It will be too late..


William said...

There is no perfect path. Only walking the path.

Cheryl said...

hmm... no perfect path in life. People just tend to choose the easiest path to reach the destination.