--Inform your love ones whenever you reached safely--
A simple text messages or a call to tell them that you had depart or reach safely to your destination. To comfort them who is cares and love. Remember: they always worry and care for you. It is a practice among my love ones, my friends, my colleagues, and my family. I don't force my love ones to do that. But I hope they will do that for me. And they just do.
When I reached safely, I want to called my beloved but buddy said "We will call him when we reached home ya.."
Okay, so I just go ahead sms my dear lor.. bla bla bla... reached safely. Simple and precise. Reached home.. Call beloved. His sms reached before me. He always cares. At first, need to play him out (not my idea ar...) :P
"Har?! havent reached yet?" "May be in Paris lor...itu bodoh bodoh one...wrong flight" "Don't worry, I am here la." "Hor..! Not sms me first, sms some other people ya..." "Aiya... how you know har?! I wanna call you and talk to you ma...hehe....."
P/S: I start missing you over the miles already.... take care ya..Be strong!
A bad joke to play!
aiyo... dun marah la.. will old le.. I know that will make u worry...but i just can't stop him...
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